Kamis, 07 April 2016

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Selasa, 05 April 2016

Minggu, 03 April 2016

Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Jumat, 01 April 2016

Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Gerhana Matahari Total dan Cara Mengabadikannya


Tidak lama lagi kita akan segera menyambut fenomena Gerhana Matahari total pada tanggal 9 Maret 2016. Fenomena astronomis ini sangat dinantikan terutama bagi para pecinta astronomi karena termasuk fenomena yang sangat langka. Untuk skala bumi saja, fenomena ini hanya terjadi paling cepat setiap 18 bulan sekali. Untuk wilayah Indonesia sekalipun, peristiwa ini terakhir kali terjadi pada 28 tahun yang lalu, dan setelah edisi tahun 2016 ini, baru akan berulang kembali 7 tahun yang akan datang. Jika dipersempit skalanya pada titik lokasi yang sama, fenomena ini bahkan baru akan berulang rata-rata setiap 400 tahun sekali!
Foto Gerhana Matahari total yang menentukan penggunaan instrumentasi yang juga bermacam-macam. Fotografer: Fred Espenak.
Foto Gerhana Matahari total yang menentukan penggunaan instrumentasi yang juga bermacam-macam. Fotografer: Fred Espenak.

Tidak hanya langka, Gerhana Matahari total juga merupakan salah satu fenomena astronomi paling indah nan mempesona serta akan menghadirkan rasa takjub bagi yang memandangnya. Melihatnya dengan mata kepala akan menjadi pengalaman yang sangat mengesankan, namun jika kita bisa mengabadikannya dalam sebuah foto, tentu akan menjadi buah kenang-kenangan yang sangat menyenangkan. Lalu bagaimana cara mengabadikannya? Setelah melakukan persiapan, sekarang tiba saatnya untuk mempelajari tentang panjang fokus dalam memotret gerhana matahari.
Panjang Fokus Menentukan Sudut Pandang Foto
Setiap kamera memiliki lensa yang berfungsi sebagai pengumpul cahaya dan pemfokus gambar. Setiap lensa juga memiliki panjang fokus yang berbeda-beda dan berfungsi sebagai penentu seberapa luas atau seberapa zoom sudut pandang gambar yang diterima oleh sensor kamera. Panjang fokus ini dinyatakan dalam milimeter (mm), di mana semakin kecil nilai panjang fokus maka sudut pandang akan semakin lebar. Sebaliknya, semakin besar nilai panjang fokus, maka sudut pandang akan semakin sempit (zoom). Lensa sudut lebar diwakili oleh lensa dengan panjang fokus maksimal 35 mm. Lensa dengan panjang fokus 45 mm sampai 70 mm mewakili lensa sudut normal atau standar, sedangkan lensa 100 mm hingga 500mm keatas mewakili lensa telefoto atau zoom. Sementara itu, lensa dengan panjang fokus di atas 800mm, 1000 mm, hingga 2000 mm ke atas biasanya tersedia dalam bentuk lensa teleskop dan harus menggunakan tripod penyangga yang besar, kuat dan berat. Berikut adalah tabel yang menunjukkan perbedaan medang pandang yang dimiliki oleh setiap panjang fokus lensa:

Inilah Kota-kota di Indonesia yang Akan Dilintasi Gerhana Matahari Total, 9 Maret 2016


                     Gerhana Matahari Total yang akan terjadi pada tanggal 9 maret 2016 ini akan melintasi kota-kota di Indonesia,fenomena yang sangat di tunggu-tunggu ini di sambut baik oleh warga negara indonesia.
                      Wisata gerhana menjadi hal lazim di dunia pariwisata, terutama luar negeri. Ada banyak agen perjalanan wisata yang menawarkan tur gerhana matahari, walaupun masih didominasi agen perjalanan asing.  
                       Kejadian langka gerhana matahari total (GMT) bakal terjadi di Indonesia pada 9 Maret 2016. Gerhana diprediksi bakal terjadi di 10 provinsi dan sejumlah lokasi wisata andalan di Indonesia. Jalur GMT tersebut bermula dari Palembang (Sumsel), Bangka Belitung (Babel), Sampit (Kalimantan Tengah), Palangka Raya (Kalimantan Tengah), Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur), Palu, Poso, Luwuk (Sulawesi Tengah), Ternate hingga Halmahera (Maluku Utara).

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Kebutuhan Khusus Wanita - Memahami Lebih Baik Menghasilkan Perawatan Lebih Baik

Disfungsi seksual Berbeda Antara Jenis Kelamin
Meskipun tingkat disfungsi seksual pada pria dan wanita dengan diabetes sama, perbedaan gender dalam faktor risiko dan patologi memang ada. Disfungsi ereksi (ED) pada pria sangat berkorelasi dengan peningkatan kadar hemoglobin A1c, durasi penyakit, penyakit kardiovaskular, dan neuropati. disfungsi seksual wanita (FSD), di sisi lain, adalah yang paling sangat terkait dengan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan kualitas hidup

Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

10 Places Nature in East Java Mandatory Visited

1. Mount Bromo, Malang

Mount Bromo, Malang
Mount Bromo, Malang
Yes, the natural tourist attractions in East Java that you must visit is Mount Bromo . It was not complete as a traveler if you do not visit Mount Bromo.
The beauty of Mount Bromo is not only popular among domestic tourists, but also foreign tourists.Geographically, Mount Bromo is located in four districts namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang and Lumajang. To reach Mount Bromo, you can take the route from Malang, Pasuruan or Probolinggo. Enjoy the sunrise, surf whispering sand, and enjoy the beauty of Bromo crater are three things you should do here.

2. Turkish Papuma, Jember

Turkish Papuma, Jember
Turkish Papuma, Jember
Papuma beach located in the village Lojejer, District Wuluhan district, Jember . Among the wider community, also known as the Turkish Papuma Papuma Cape Coast because of its land position that resembles a promontory jutting into the sea.
Turkish Papuma has a very beautiful scenery. A mix of white sand and rocks spread on the waterfront.Which is the hallmark of Turkish Papuma are seven large towering rock at the beach. The large size of these corals make it resemble an island.

3. Kawah Ijen, Bondowoso

Kawah Ijen, Bondowoso
Kawah Ijen, Bondowoso
Ijen crater is located in the Park Reserve Travel Ijen, in District Glossy, Regency Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. Natural tourist attractions in East Java is an acid crater in the world with high caldera wall reaches 500 meters wide crater and reached 5.466 hectares. Ijen crater was once used as a shooting location one wide screen film Indonesia .
The beauty of the crater also is famous to foreign countries. In the morning, the scenery here is amazing. A mix of sun orange and turquoise colors nan shaded craters. When the early morning, you can enjoy a natural phenomenon stunning blue fire. However, to enjoy the beauty of this crater, you have to make the climb to Mount Ijen first, so do not forget to set up your stamina.

4. Red Island Beach, Banyuwangi

Red Island Beach, Banyuwangi
Red Island Beach, Banyuwangi
Red Island Beach is situated in the village Sumberagung Pesanggaran subdistrict, Banyuwangi.Red Island Beach is a beach with traits like most beaches in Brazil. The beach is also similar to Kuta Beach in Bali , making it suitable for surfing.
In addition to the amazing view of the sunset on the beach, it turns Red Island Beach is also a world-class surfing destination on the island of Java. Surf conditions here which reaches four to five meter is suitable for surfers of different levels. While surfing on the waves, you can menikimati beautiful scenery of green mountains and the cool breeze.

5. Niagara Madangkaripura, Probolinggo

Niagara Madangkaripura, Probolinggo
Niagara Madangkaripura, Probolinggo
Niagara Madangkaripura located in Probolinggo district and still enter the National Park Bromo - Tengger - Semeru . So when you decide to visit Mount Bromo, you should stop by to see the beauty of this waterfall.
Madangkaripura Falls is the highest waterfall on the island of Java and is the second highest waterfall after waterfall Sigura-Gura. This waterfall wall dikeliligi unusually high (200 meters) with green moss that makes it more stunning. There is a cave located in the vicinity of the waterfall. It is said that. This cave is a cave which became a place of meditation Patih Gajahmada.

6. Baluran National Park, Situbondo

Baluran National Park, Situbondo
Baluran National Park, Situbondo
Baluran National Park is situated in the region Banyuputih, and Wongsorejo Situbondo, Banyuwangi precisely in the northern part. Baluran National Park is the largest savanna in Java with animal and plant species are diverse. Been to this location makes you seoalah are in Africa. That is why the National Park is often referred to as his African Indonesia.
In place of nature in East Java, you'll be treated to a view of a herd of animals that live off such as in Africa and also the landscape around 444 species of native plants typical.

7. Sempu Island, Malang

Sempu Island, Malang
Sempu Island, Malang
Sempu Island is a small island that is still in a single location with the Blue Spring Beach, precisely in the Village Tambakrejo, Malang. Sempu island is a nature reserve which has a variety of ecosystems such as coastal forests, mangrove forests, and lowland tropical forests. Which makes this island special is Sempu Segara Chicks contained in the island.
Segara Chicks To achieve this, you must perform a two-hour trekking through the jungle and the steep road. Because the water here is very quiet, you could do the activity swimming or camping with friends.But because the island Sempu including nature reserves, you should not pollute the environment by littering or damaging the ecosystem.

8. Ranu Kumbolo, Malang

Ranu Kumbolo, Malang
Ranu Kumbolo, Malang
Ranu Kumbolo located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, exactly in between the district of Malang and Lumajang. For those of you who want to enjoy the beauty of Ranu Kumbolo , you must prepare the physical conditions are ripe. At the very least, do jogging and light exercise one week before departure, because you have to trekking for 4-5 hours to reach the lake.
No need to worry bored because during the journey to Ranu Kumbolo you'll be treated to a view of craggy rocks, hills covered spruce and pine, as well as clouds of thick smoke of Mount Semeru. Oh yes, you are prohibited from bathing, swimming, or waste water in this lake because the water is super clear and can be drunk directly.

9. Klayar Beach, Pacitan

Klayar Beach, Pacitan
Klayar Beach, Pacitan
Klayar Beach is located in the District Donorojo.Natural tourist attractions in East Java is fairly unspoiled, so the road to the beach is quite difficult.Klayar Beach is one of the leading tourist attraction in Pacitan . Privileged Beach Klayar other than the milk-white sand, here there is a rock that resembles the Sphinx and natural fountain with a height of 10 meters. Rocks in Klayar Beach is also often equated with corals in Tanah Lot , Bali.

10. Rafting Songa, Probolinggo

Songa Rafting, Probolinggo
Songa Rafting, Probolinggo
For those of you who love the activity triggers adrenaline, visit Songa Rafting is the right choice.Songa Rafting located in Jalan Krajan Lean, Wangkal, Gending, Probolinggo.
River rafting is used for Pekalen river. There are two rafting tour packages that you can choose, that is Songa Songa Top and Bottom. Following the trip Songa Up, for 2 hours you will enjoy the beauty of the tropical rain forest, with the cool air and some natural phenomena such as waterfalls and bat caves.While the trip Songa Below, you'll be wading through 34 rapids with different levels for 2 hours.

10 Places in Purwokerto Mandatory Visited

1. Baturraden

Quite 15 minutes from the city center, you can find sites in Purwokerto named Baturraden. Yes, Baturraden this is the area that has a few rides like a swimming pool, a pool slide, water bikes and hot spring baths . With pay 14,000 Rupiah course you can enjoy the coolness of this Baturraden region.Moreover, the area is famous as a pollution-free area at night or during the day. Moreover, in the evening you can enjoy painting the sky with sparkling stars beautiful.

2. Telaga Silence

Silent lake
Silent lake
Location of Silent lake is about 3 km east of the region Baturraden. With natural lake region and also the water is cold, this area is a natural sights that you should visit if you're on vacation in Purwokerto. At a certain time, you can even see lots of butterflies and dragonflies are flying around the lake. Sights like it would have been extremely rare in these modern times, you also will not find this scene in a big city.

3. Shower Shower 3 and 7

3 showers and shower 7
3 showers and shower 7
Still in the same region as Baturraden, you can find sites that warm water Shower Shower 3 and 7. This place is often used as a place for the treatment of various diseases, because the water here is water with a sulfur content not dangerous and good for health.
You not only get to enjoy the water rides, but also enjoy the scenery around that will relieve your tired and weary. To achieve the 3 showers and shower 7, you had to struggle through hundreds of stairs. So, do not forget to prepare your body stamina if you do not want to cluck in the middle of the road.

4. Curug Cipendok

Curug Cipendok
Curug Cipendok
It is in the village of Karangtengah, Cilongok, Banyumas, or about 25 km from the city center Purwokerto. Curug with unspoiled views of this cool air, because it lies in the highlands. Even so, access to leading tourist attractions in Purwokerto it was already pretty good making it easier for those who want to visit here.
After a long journey to the sights in Purwokerto, you can plunge into a puddle at the bottom of the waterfall as high as 100 meters. On his way back from the waterfall, you can enjoy the culinary tempe mendoan and also pure milk dijajakkan at roadside stalls. While enjoying mendoan, you will be accompanied by melodious birdsong.

5. Gua Maria Kaliori

Gua Maria Kaliori
Gua Maria Kaliori
In addition to rides for the adventurous, there is also a tourist spot that serves as a spiritual tour. Gua Maria Kaliori which is located 20 km from the city center Purwokerto. Pants in 5.6 hectares of land, you can find a wide range of facilities such as a pavilion for the rest, the church's worship up to the chair holder under a shady tree. Here you can also visit the tomb with statues of angels. There is also a statue of the Virgin Mary that has been blessed by Pope John Paul II, do not be surprised if a lot of people come here to obtain inner peace.

6. Cave Sarabadak

Caves Sarabadak
Caves Sarabadak
This cave is one of the caves that are suitable for you who like a challenge. To reach the cave, you have to walk down a path that is quite tiring. Although tired on the way, you will be satisfied with rocks golden color and also the natural flow of fresh water in this cave. Not only cold water, here there is also a hot water bath, you know. Unique right?

7. Wanawisata Baturraden

Wanawisata Baturraden
Wanawisata Baturraden
About 2 km from there Baturraden region of forests and natural beauty that is suitable for conversion to the campsite. This Wanawisata tent can accommodate up to 1000, making it very suitable as a location for outbound activities with friends office.In addition, there is also a nature reserve, nursery plants such as spruce and pine. Forest here is very natural, so you will feel the cool air is refreshing body also mind.

8. Region Culinary Jalan Prof. Dr. Suharso

Culinary Tourism Regions Jalan Prof. Dr.  Suharso
Culinary Tourism Regions Jalan Prof. Dr.Suharso
This area is also called to the area of GOR Satria Purwokerto. In this area, you can find different types of food, including specialties from Purwokerto is mendoan. Starting from the pavement up to a nice restaurant where you can choose in this area.Mendoan addition, there are also getuk fries that you could only find in Purwokerto, must try for foodies !

9. Baths Kalibacin

baths Kalibacin
baths Kalibacin
About 17 km from Purwokerto, Kalibacin Baths are located in the village of Pond State, district Rawalo.This bath has another name, namely Tourism Husada, because you not only enjoy a fresh bath, but also can cure skin diseases and bone. Kalibacin Baths tourist area is also the tourist area of historical relics of the Netherlands .

10. Combong Valley

Combong Valley
Combong Valley
If you like the outbound activities, Combong Valley is a great place to visit in Purwokerto. In this place you can enjoy an exciting vehicle for paint ball. It would be more appropriate if you come with a group and enjoy a rollicking outbound activities.